Loadmaster’s Noise Dampening System.

It’s a fact, all buildings are designed to move–expand and contract. Some are designed to move more than others. As a result, all steel buildings make noise, some more objectionable than others. If you are considering a steel framed structure for a quiet environment, please contact a Loadmaster representative to help design around objectionable noise with the Loadmaster Noise Dampening System, in addition to some basic structural design considerations.


Loadmaster’s Noise Dampening System greatly reduces noise that results from metal-on-metal contact due to differential rotation and expansion. The noise dampening system consists of the following five step procedure:

1. Deck Termination Supports:

All termination supports for the steel roof deck must be constructed with expansion relief at a maximum of 20 feet. Perimeter expansion must not be allowed to accumulate in runs in excess of 20 feet. To accomplish this, Loadmaster’s Terminator System is strongly recommended.

2. Deck Attachment:

Steel deck sheets are to be attached to the steel structure with non-welded connections. Powder actuated pins or screws are recommended.

3. Structural Supports:

All structural supports for the steel roof deck are isolated from the steel deck by the installation of self-adhering Loadmaster Noise Gasketing.

4. Steel Deck Interface:

At all interfaces of the steel deck sheets, such as overlapping or butting end joints and side laps of adjacent sheets, self-adhering Loadmaster Noise Gasketing separates the individual steel deck sheets so that sheets do not contact each other at any point.

5. Steel Deck/Insulation Interface:

Loadmaster Noise Dampening Sheets placed over the steel deck separate the steel deck sheets from the roof insulation. Roof insulation panels do not contact steel deck sheets at any point.